Vue Migrations

🔥 How to Migrate an 8-year-old Big Codebase to Vue3 🔥

How BIG? Think along the lines of 502 Vue Applications, 1289 .vue Files, 230.000 rows of Vue code.

Natalia Vue.js Core Team Member caring for Vue Documentation and working on Vue3 Docs & Migration Guide. Staff Frontend Engineer at Gitlab presenting about a Gitlab Code Base.

Migrating a big old codebase to Vue3

🔥 Migrating Vue2 to Vue3 🔥

When migrating to Vue 3, there are some breaking changes and key API differences you’ll need to understand in order to effectively compose your components. If you have an application that is currently using props, receiving attributes, or emitting events, this talk will help you transition these components gracefully from Vue 2 to Vue 3.

Migrating Vue2 to Vue3